CB Performance Horses
Arguably one of the most influential trainers in Ontario for the barrel racing industry, CB Performance Horses . Chris started taking a few training horses a month over 20 years ago, and it quickly turned into a full time gig. Thanks to their extremely efficient, and hard working team, they are now able to break colts, train prospects, aid in behaviour issues, equine sales, clinics, rodeo and our main focus - futurity horses.
But it doesn't stop there. They have been creating partnerships for people and their one, or four, dream horses for as long as they've been in business. One of the best parts of the job is to see these teams go on to be successful in the sand box!
The CB team has a HUGE involvement in the show producing side of things as well. Chris is the NBHA Canada President, Cait is an extremely active member on the board and Kayleigh - well, she is just everywhere. They are also 2/3 of the executives OBFA as well. They spend countless hours, dollars, and a little blood, sweat and a lot of tears (Kayleigh) to make sure our sport grows in Ontario. And when they aren't doing that - the girls are on the rodeo road.
Oh and did I mention they stand a few studs as well?!
Barrel Racing in Ontario would be in a much different place than we are right now without teams like the CB team pushing the sport further and further every year. The accomplishments and amount of knowledge is endless and they are always trying to ensure the sport has space to grow well after they are retired :)
Please reach out for any of your needs!
Chris Blane
Kayleigh McKay
Caitlin Johnston